Survey Services

Survey services


  • it is possible to organize and conduct testing, examinations in any educational institutions (universities, colleges, schools) with the goal of identifying the level of knowledge in any academic discipline. Enterprises and organizations can carry out certification of their employees; 
  • MyTestX works with ten types of tasks: single selection, multiple selection, ordering, matching, specifying the truth or falsity of statements, manual number entry, manual text entry, image location, letter transposition, filling gaps; 
  • the program consists of three modules: Test module (MyTestStudent), Test editor (MyTestEditor) and Test log (MyTestServer); 
  • with the help of MyTestX you can organize both local and network testing.


  • you can use it at any device;
  • you can do it anonymously;
  • after 24h left, everyone will see the results.
Disadvantages of this site is that you can't use it offline and if you are not registered there.

3.Google Form

  • easy in usage;
  • you can create forms both in English and Russian;
  • you both can
  • easy in usage;
  • you can create forms both in English and Russian;
  • you both can see the statistics of all answers and an answers of one individual. 
  • Among the disadvantages I can mention that you also can't use this service offline and there is a lack of design templates.
  •  see the statistics of all answers and an answers of one individual. 
Among the disadvantages I can mention that you also can't use this service offline and there is a lack of design templates.


  • launch a quiz, receive exit tickets, or ask a quick question for instant student feedback;
  • design and edit your own library of assessments and save them to your Socrative account to use at a moment’s notice;
  • launch activities in easy-to-create virtual rooms to instantly engage your students, whether they’re in class or learning remotely. Share the unique code to ask students to join your room.
The most important disadvantage is that you can't do quizzes there if the creator of such quizze is not in the virtual room now.


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Presentation:Creation and Stock Services